Craig's 10 Tips from MDRT 2023

Hey there, fellow Financial Planners and professionals in the field! I recently had the incredible opportunity to attend the International Conference MDRT, where I had the privilege of learning from some of the brightest minds in the industry.

I couldn’t wait to share with you the top 10 transferable ideas that I brought back from the conference, inspired by renowned speakers. These concepts are bound to inspire and empower you to take your business and career to new heights. So, let’s dive in!


1. Embrace the Power of Incremental Progress:

As world-renowned speaker Dan Clark highlighted, allocate just 15 minutes each day to improve yourself. Whether it’s enhancing your mental toughness or learning a new skill, these small daily investments will compound into significant growth over time.


2. Deliver “Celebrity Service”:

Inspired by Geoff Ramm’s insightful book, “Celebrity Service,” imagine treating each client as if they were a famous personality. Explore the gaps in your service that you can’t see, and strive to exceed expectations at every turn. It’s all about creating exceptional experiences that leave a lasting impact.


3. Cultivate Gratitude:

As best-selling author Amanda Stevens suggests, take a moment to thank the people in your life who have supported you along your journey. Often, we forget to acknowledge their unwavering support and how proud they are of our achievements. Show your appreciation and let them know how much they mean to you.


4. Offer a Luxury Experience:

Amanda Stevens also emphasizes that exceptional service and luxury products command a premium in today’s market. Consider how you can elevate your offerings to create a luxury version of your services. Celebrate milestones and special occasions with your team and clients to make them feel truly valued.


5. Set Audacious Goals:

Motivational speaker Kevin Brown urges you to set audacious goals that are considered out of reach. Give your all each day to pursue those goals relentlessly. Remember, it’s when we forget to fly that we limit our true potential.


6. Enhance Your Client Follow-up:

Take inspiration from successful businesses like Huel, as suggested by Dan Clark. Create a follow-up process that goes above and beyond. Make your clients feel like a part of your professional family and show them that their satisfaction and happiness are your top priorities.


7. Embrace Inclusivity:

Inspired by sportstar Dylan Alcott, showcase your commitment to assisting individuals with disabilities. Highlight accessibility features such as wheelchair access, hearing loops, or braille access on your website and Google profile. Let everyone know that you welcome and support all clients.


8. Nurture Mental Resilience:

Author Heidi Dening offers a powerful formula for enhancing mental resilience. Prioritize moments of stillness, find joy regularly, take dedicated time for self-care, and fully embrace life’s experiences. Stay connected with others throughout the year, as meaningful relationships are vital to maintaining resilience.


9. Show Up with Care and Smile:

As Kevin Brown reminds us, every interaction matters. Show up with a smile and genuine care for your loved ones and clients. Set the bar high and consistently exceed expectations, because it’s what you believe that truly matters.


10. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask:

Amanda Stevens wisely suggests that clients can’t buy if you don’t ask. Look for those opportunities to provide additional value or services. Just like the petrol shop owner who asked customers if they wanted a Kit Kat and saw a significant increase in turnover, find your own “Kit Kat question” to enhance your client relationships.


I hope these 10 ideas, inspired by these remarkable speakers, resonate with you as much as they did with me. Let’s embrace this newfound inspiration and take action together.


Here’s to your continued success and an incredible journey ahead!



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