The Wealth Secret – Create, Build and Protect your Future the Penguin Way
Mapping out the future to meet your widest life goals is all about taking the right steps now. Making sure your Financial Plan is managed through the years that follow and that all your plans have an inbuilt Protection for you, your family and your Business. It is about the best support, at all stages, from the best specialists.
Creating and preserving Wealth is remarkably simple – if you know how. In a world of often confusing jargon and seemingly complex structures, sensible and effective Financial Planning is available to everyone. And the secret? Anyone, anywhere can create Wealth for themselves by following some straightforward principles.
Although simple, the methodology may not be obvious and contains some surprising insights, including:
- What the most important Financial decision, you ever take, is likely to be
- Why you should focus on your lifestyle and life requirements as much as on money
- How to create and use a map to construct your Financial Plan
- Why having a philosophy towards your goals is as so important
Wealth creation is not for the lucky few, it is within the grasp of anyone serious about taking hold of their situation and applying the eight principles outlined in this book.
“The magical thing about wealth creation is that it is available to everyone. When you read how to do it, you realise it’s not magic at all; simply a process of understanding how to go about it.” – Moira Edwards, Client of Penguin
“The great lesson of the Penguin Book is that it outlines that creating wealth is so much more than just accumulating money. It is about lifestyle, family, peace of mind, happiness and contentment. Indeed, in many ways, having money is simply an extension of much deeper objectives. Anyone interested in their financial well-being should read this Book.” – Sue Edwards, Client of Penguin