Get Yourself Financially Fit
At the beginning of the year we released a 6 part mini-series of videos highlighting everything that you can do to set yourself up for financial success in 2019. Although we’re a little into the year now it’s never too late to get into the habit of saving for what really matters to you.
Part 1 – Find out how you can shave those extra few pounds over 2019 and get yourself on track
Part 2 – Pay yourself first. Putting money away for yourself every month to pay yourself first is sure-fire way to get you on the right financial path
Part 3 – Insure your income (the thing that actually pays for your phone insurance / travel insurance / car insurance) so if the worst happens to you, you’re covered
Part 4 – Manage your debt. It may seem easier to pay off your lowest debt first, but the big debts will keep getting bigger if you don’t attack them first
Part 5 – FREE MONEY. You could be missing out on extra money by not checking your employer pension scheme
Part 6 – Tying it all together. Take these tips and use them. You can thank your past self later